The ability to walk five hundred miles but than you have to walk five hundred more.

the power to kill someone if you shoot them in the heart

The power to be skillful at everything but only while asleep.

The power to make vegetables horny.

The ability to have night-vision, but only during the day

the power to in power your self

The power to have knowledge of your power.

The power to stop people from walking through closed doors.

The power to walk on water. Unless its above 0 degrees celcius.

The Power to fart glitter

The power to produce fish eggs from your left eye

The power to shoot a any amount of milk out of your belly button every July 4th at 2 o'clock

The power to have super-sonic hearing, but only in the presence of the mute.

The ability to be poor for life

the power to teleport 2 in. from were you were standing in 8 hours

The power to erase yourself from all existence and in the process rewrite history so that you never existed. Seriously, there is NO beneficial use for this AT ALL.

The ability to reverse your digestive system.

The power to make any woman have volcanic earth.shattering orgasms but only if she's having sex with another man

To be able to estimate time between 5:00am and 5:07am

The power to pick any lock as long as its open

The power to swallow instead of spit

The power to change any of your friend's name to Tom but only if their real name is Thomas.

The power to continuously and periodically turn oxygen into carbon dioxide using magic organs in your chest by sucking the the atmosphere through your mouth.

The power to always find lost objects... right after buying a replacement.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!