The power to "smell what the Rock is cooking"

To be ALMOST able to run faster than a speeding bullet

The power to turn into a slightly smaller, weaker version of yourself.

the power to get free airplane flights but only to the place you are in

The power to fly 4 inches from the ground

to poop a penny every year

The power to use very big words but only when your at a retarted people convention

The power to eat 2 hotdogs in the same bun

The ability to make someone slightly attracted to a faucet.

The power to see in the dark, but only when the lights are on.

The power to vote for the Presidential candidate of your choice, only to be overruled by the Florida Supreme Court.

The power to be able to tie your shoe halfway, by using your mind.

the power to switch your nose with your penis once a week, randomly and automatically.


The power to make a small hamster yawn.

The power to get the bullet every time you play russian roulette

The ability to put it in Lady Gaga's pooper.

The power to turn freshwater into saltwater

The power to have out bursts of funny inapropite jokes when ever u want............only while at a funeral

The power to easily persuade people to your opposing viewpoint

the power to complete math exercises

The power to snore.

the power to move things with your mind in your imagination

the ability to give a potato an orgasm

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!