The power to type good morals under your comments. Moral: Ever seen me post an actual moral (even less a GOOD one?) Pssh! There is no such thing as good, not that I am aware of at least >:)

The power to propel urine at the top speed of the animal you most recently thought of.

the power to suck your elbow

The power to summon a bucket of lukewarm water every 12 days.

The power to piss in a toilet when your drunk

Liam Brudenell

The power to wash your mouth out with soap.

Writing "because moral man loves you" Moral: I am far too antisocial to love everyone, I mean the more love for me the better... so I can give a lot to my girlfriend too... love you baby! (my girlfriend duh) Moral 2: Someday ill tell her that I type this comments, and if you thumb this up, she will find out I declared my love here too... aww... love the man that does not love you... for love! Me: Huh? My head is spinning... and if yours is too, then thumb this comment up.

All of aquaman's powers.

the power to immediately become gay after beginning to feel attracted to a member of the opposite sex & then once you are attracted to a member of the same sex you become straight.

the power to shit shards of glass

The power to write complete sentenc

the power to say candlejack and li

the power to stop your addiction to placebos

the power to be justin bieber

The power to dissasemble yourself, but not re-assemble yourself.

The power to piss people off.

The power that everytime someone sneezes, a living porpoise erupts from your anus.

The power to talk to animals and have them partially understand you.

The power to peel a banana with your foreskin

The ability to kick in a three point shot but only during a game.

The power to stop time, but only when you are waiting for something.

The power to die at will.

The power to eat a ridiculous amount sandwiches without getting full

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!