The power to blow a bubblegum bubble without bubblegum.

The power to be immortal until the moment that you would die.

the power to send future you crazy

The ability to fly, but only when you wear absolutely nothing.

The power to not remember, the only problem, is that you don't remember having this awesome power.

The Power to make PotNoodle...

The power of super strength but only in your left pinky toe - EO

the power of make your leg invisible

The power to be immortal but only in times where it does not mater, stops working after the age of 50.

The power to compare anything to porn because "you know it when you see it."

The super power to do something pointless when you can be doing something pointless

The power to travel through time to get through school but then fail at life.

The power to be an exceedingly homosexual man and be constantly surrounded by sexy women.

The power to turn your knee any shade of orange on every full moon.

The power to see in the dark while exposed to sunlight.

The ability to make time go ten times faster whenever you are stressed.

The power to die using your willpower.

Th powr to typ th 5th lttr.

the power to fly but only about 5 feet above the grove, and only after you fart

the power to hear any alvin and the chipmunks song you want, but only when you have a migraine

The power to believe I type actual morals. Moral: At horsehead network? Now please go look for prostitutes at a church or astronauts under the sea you fucklng ass and blahblah!

the abitlity to turn into a duck, but not turn back.....

The ability to read a book by its cover

The power to troll everyone... only to realise you were trolled by a liar fairy

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!