the ability to be kicked by CHUCK NORRIS at will

Turning invisible when no one is watching you. -Alex

the power to be immune to every thing but only after u die

The power to moonwalk backwards (think about it)

The power to touch an object and tell exaclty how many asians it took to make that object.

the power to teach elfs how to ride unicorns

The power to be friends with Justin Bieber

The power to say things twice. The power to say things twice.

The ability to teleport, but only in compete darkness.

The ability to crap barbed wire

The power to annoy people everyday.

The power to break a bone every time you ejaculate.

The ability to die at will.

The power to be a fan of Rosie O'donell

the ability to jump like a white man

the....ability william........... shatner

The ability to see WWE and think that this is real.

super strength for picking up a gallon water

the ability to rick roll anyone you meet

The power to make the air stink

Power to develop diseases.

The power to recognize a Jackson Pollock painting from blobs of paint.

the ability to laugh when jay leno tells a joke.

the ability to finish dinner three days after it was served

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!