Moral: You think these would have gotten so many thumbs ups if I had signed them back then? Moral: Me either! :D
The power to read people's minds only when they are thinking nothing.
kiss your hand 5 times post this on 5 other games and look under your pillow
but i always believe its not butter...
I believe it's not butteram i a super hero?
Ha Ha Ha. I think I know what's coming next. The power to believe it's not chocolate.
but what if it is!?;D:D:D:D:D
I believe this superpower is not butter. That means I don't have butter!!! It's not a buttery miracle!!!
no its not butter it's a lot of salt
I'm tired of the days where I cram I can't believe it's not butter into my mouth, tears rolling down when I can indeed and distinctly believe it not to be butter.